Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

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Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

squiggle hearts and mind

almost every day I fight with myself,
It happened because I had been lying to myself. eg e I
promising to me,

if I'll start walking
tuk reaching ideals, but in fact I always
postpone it. I even tried to run away from responsibility
I replied. and I wanted to behave like knights.

I've been most of the way, most theories,
most of the conclusions. but there is no
real action. most think without taking action

why I did not start walking?
. because I feel the difficulty, and difficulty that made me
lazy. make stopping. I should have
still struggling to achieve my goals.
I am an ambitious person, a perfectionist.

always wanted
all I want is everything perfect.
I realize that is almost impossible to everything
we expect to be perfect. is hard work and games
brain is smart and wise.

I guess all we want
we can make it happen, if we proceed from now.
thinking continues to take action. although difficult to have to try
as much as possible until the brain is not really strong.
the fact is I just kept thinking without
with real action.
achievement when the way if this continues.
I may be exposed to mild stress.
I feel the symptoms, including easy sleepy (sleep capacity is too excessive), sensitive, easy emotion,
do not care about the environment, like watching
people's behavior, often daydreaming, dissolved in grief.
all this is a consequence of the actions that I did.

actually my life beautiful, coming from a family full of baik2 affection baik2 environment, friends
good also, I think everything is fine with me.
but still none the less, I do not have a boyfriend
good. sometimes I feel jealous. but I soon realized.
jealous there's no point, will only increase the burden on the liver.
I want a sincere love of a girl who I loved.
that can be faithful and accept each other flaws and
masing2 excess. the beauty of love when it can be realized.

what was I thinking?, too grandiose - grandiose. but I
not afraid to fall. only I did not immediately
step. I too often procrastinate.
I still want to fulfill my cita2, I want to have
luxury cars. hehehe ...

Start now time for me to act,
rekoso time and concern.
and ask for help to Allah SWT.
we see what happens.

my problem now is:
1. cash deficit
3. often bermalas2an
4. always menunda2 jobs
when remembering the ex-girlfriend ...
I so want to sing the title song Samsons e
could not have ... .
What are you looking for ...
you can not find in my heart ...

maybe I could have ... yourself
all my life ... (Waduh. start lebay nih .. ..)